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Medlock Mills

The company obtained Medlock Mills on 24 June, 1864 at a total cost of £3,000[1]. The Mills were on South Junction Street, to the west of Oxford Street, Medlock [Map 8]. The Mills produced wholesale clothing, mainly shirts using manufacturing sewing machines[2]. At the expense of fustian trade the new endeavour gained expansion, which for the time set the bar and was deemed too adventurous for other competitors within the Cotton industry to pursue since only a small amount occupied secure commercial outlets. Furthermore, Medlock Mills guaranteed independency from other commercial printers, as the mills “manufactured pattern cards as well as paper boxes”[3], carrying out printing works as well as letterpress work.


On April 16, 1874[4], Rylands & Sons purchased Great Bridge Water Street Mills [Map 8]. The firm obtained the Mills at a total cost of £8,340[5]

[Map 8]

Great Bridge Water Mills and Medlock Mills.


[1]Farnie, D. A., John Rylands of Manchester (Manchester: John Rylands University Library, 1993), p. 88.


[2]Farnie, D. A., John Rylands of Manchester (Manchester: John Rylands University Library, 1993), p. 15. 


[3]Ibid., p. 41.


[4]Ibid., 39.


[5]Ibid., 92.

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